
Access to safe, stable, and affordable housing is a human right. We offer a range of services and resources to help our neighbors in Greater Boston find and maintain affordable housing.  
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Creating Progressive Housing Solutions 

We believe everyone deserves to access safe and affordable housing in a respectable way. We take a multifaceted approach to Greater Boston’s housing crisis and the prevention of further displacement of our families. Our team implements a comprehensive strategy that addresses the immediate housing needs of families, cultivates grassroots leadership, and advocates for systemic policy changes. The goal is to strengthen tenant protections and create more sustainable housing markets for working families.

Residents receive assistance in applying for the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program and other rental relief programs, offering vital support for rent and utility bill assistance.
Shelter Placement
Shelter placement assistance is provided to individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of losing their housing, with temporary emergency housing solutions through local hotels and limited financial support for emergency housing costs.
Eviction Assistance
Housing advocates help tenants and landlords resolve housing disputes, facilitate communication, negotiate payment plans, and find solutions to avoid eviction and keep families housed.
The MADE Up to Code online tool empowers tenants to facilitate housing inspections, communicate directly with landlords, and leverage the sanitary code to prevent unjust evictions.
Know Your Rights
Weekly Know Your Rights training sessions equip tenants with knowledge about housing laws and tenant protections, enabling them to advocate for themselves and support broader housing justice efforts.
Balloons and a sign that says "Housing Court For All"

Every neighbor deserves the right to stable housing 

Everyone deserves safe and affordable housing in a respectable manner. Our approach to Greater Boston’s housing crisis and the prevention of further displacement of our families is multifaceted, rooted in action and enacting policy change. We implement a comprehensive strategy that addresses the immediate housing needs of families, cultivates grassroots leadership, and advocates for systemic policy changes. Our goal is to strengthen tenant protections and create more sustainable housing markets for working families.

Lina Tabar

Lina Tabar

Director of Organizing & Policy
Connect with Lina Tabar


We help residents apply for rental relief programs through city, state, and other private funding sources. 

La Colaborativa’s dedicated staff is here to assist residents in applying for rental relief programs. These programs, including the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program, are available to undocumented families and offer significant resources to repay rent and keep families housed, including help with utility bills, and other housing-related expenses. Our team provides personalized assistance to help navigate the application process. Assistance is available by appointment only, either in person or over the phone. Please contact us to set up an appointment.

People at a housing services event

Eviction Assistance

Our housing advocates are here to assist tenants and landlords in resolving housing disputes and avoiding eviction. We work to facilitate communication, negotiate payment plans, and find solutions that keep families housed. 

Equipping tenants with the proper education and tools is critical. La Colaborativa provides information and resources to help tenants understand their rights and options when facing eviction. Our team mediates disputes between tenants and landlords to find mutually beneficial solutions, and negotiates payment plans to help tenants catch up on rent.

Shelter Placement

If you are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing your housing, La Colaborativa offers shelter placement assistance to help you find temporary housing solutions. 

Ensuring every member of our community has a safe place to stay is at the heart of our mission. In the absence of an emergency shelter in Chelsea, we provide temporary emergency housing for families in crisis through local hotels. Limited cash assistance funds are also available to help families cover emergency housing costs, ensuring they have the financial support needed to secure temporary shelter. 

Find Assistance

We are here to help. Our dedicated team is here to answer all your questions. 

Know Your Rights

Understanding your rights is critical to addressing the root causes of the housing crisis in Chelsea. 

La Colaborativa holds weekly Know Your Rights trainings for tenants, aiming to cultivate grassroots leaders who are well-versed in housing laws and tenant protections. These trainings empower participants to advocate for themselves and their neighbors, fostering a community that actively contributes to the movement for housing justice. By equipping residents with the knowledge and tools to address personal housing challenges and engage in broader advocacy efforts, these sessions support our statewide campaigns for policies that promote long-term housing equity. 


At La Colaborativa, we advocate for solutions that promote improved policy on safe housing practices and foster better-educated tenants who can advocate for themselves without fear of deportation or eviction.

MADE Up to Code, an online tool, empowers tenants in Chelsea by facilitating housing inspections. This enables direct communication with landlords and leverages the sanitary code to prevent unjust evictions. The initiative has increased tenant agency, improved landlord accountability, and prevented unlawful evictions, ensuring safer and healthier living conditions for all residents.

"I am grateful to La Colaborativa for helping me achieve my goals. With their support, I was able to open my own daycare. Owning the daycare brings me immense joy and through their support, I feel prepared for any challenge. I want to thank La Colaborativa's Early Education and Childcare program. Opening my daycare has been a dream come true, and I hope to inspire other women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams."

Norma Escobar

"I needed a new job and wanted more opportunities, and I realized how important it was to learn English. La Colaborativa’s ESOL courses were very helpful as I started from zero, which has helped open many doors for me. When I came to La Colaborativa, I had just lost my job, and with their guidance, I quickly got a job in just one week at a Dental Clinic!"

Ana Ruth Lobo Zavala

"I was going through some hard times and needed some help… Everyone at La Colaborativa treated me with such respect. I came in needing help, needed a job, and within a matter of minutes, La Colaborativa gave me options and helped open doors."

Eddie Artica
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