Recovered: $191,000 in Worker’s Wages – Why Your Donations Matter


After working closely with La Colaborativa and local carpenter and painter unions, a group of local workers recovered $191,000 in withheld wages. We are thrilled to share this win with you!

The group first approached La Colaborativa for guidance during the Workers Rights Sessions held every Wednesday at the Food Pantry. After learning more about the large sum of back-pay owed to these workers by the main contractor on their project, we were able to support them in organizing a walk-out, which resulted in the recovery of the funds.

Wage theft has long been a problem, often affecting the most vulnerable members of our community. As you know, the pandemic has hit this same community particularly hard and one of the many ways we’ve been able to make a difference is by supporting workers in their efforts to recover stolen wages.

Thank you for your continued donations as they help to make this work possible!