Stabilization Services

When an individual, family, or our community is facing crises, La Colaborativa is a central resource for finding stability. We prioritize understanding the underlying causes of instability to provide tailored support aimed at lasting change and preventing future challenges.
Woman and child at the food bank
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Cultivating Stability 

Through a holistic approach, we address the multifaceted factors contributing to instability. Our dedicated team is committed to understanding the root causes that led you to seek assistance, ensuring that we not only provide immediate support but also lay the groundwork for long-term stability. 

Case Management 
Tailored services and courses empower individuals to achieve long-term socioeconomic success by building sustainable incomes and pursuing economically mobile careers after addressing immediate risk factors.
Emergency Response
We provide immediate assistance during crises such as natural disasters, policy changes, or outbreaks, while also working towards sustainable solutions to prevent future hardships and recurring crises.
Wrap Around Services
We offer immediate response and resources to community members in acute crisis situations, providing essential support such as counseling, basic necessities, and guidance to navigate economic systems.
Mental Health
Licensed social workers address mental health concerns during the stabilization process, providing stability and referrals to specialists, often in collaboration with partners like North Suffolk Mental Health.
Smiling people at the food bank

Creating Lasting Impact

By identifying underlying conditions and potential barriers to your success, we strive to prevent future challenges and empower you to thrive. Whether it’s addressing immediate needs or implementing preventive measures, La Colaborativa prioritizes your journey toward lasting positive change. 

Donna Mitria

Donna Mitria

Triage Team Manager
Connect with Donna Mitria

Case Management 

We provide ongoing socioeconomic support for community members engaged in our programs, which is critical to our mission of fostering long-term success.

We offer tailored services and courses that empower individuals, fostering independence and agency to build sustainable incomes, and pursue economically mobile careers after addressing immediate risk factors.

Case Management Meeting

Wrap Around Services

Many community members come to La Colaborativa at a time of acute crisis. Our team is there to immediately respond and provide the community members with the resources they need most urgently.

Be it counseling for a domestic violence incident, clothing, food, and toiletries due to a house fire, or a catalyzing success for a recently arrived family unaware of how to navigate a foreign economic system; our Triage and Health Equity team is the front lines for response to crises both immediate and chronic. During times of crisis, our team approaches mental health challenges with empathy, compassion, and respect, ensuring every community member feels heard and valued. We provide practical, sustainable resources aimed at stabilizing the current situation and empowering individuals to overcome adversity and thrive.

Emergency Response

We prioritize swift and effective responses for urgent community needs. La Colaborativa provides immediate assistance during crises such as natural disasters, policy changes, or outbreaks, while simultaneously working towards sustainable solutions to prevent future hardships.

In times of urgent crises such as building/house fires, sudden shifts in immigration policies, or heightened community needs, La Colaborativa stands ready to assist and stabilize affected members while also implementing long-term solutions and policy changes to prevent recurring crises that disproportionately impact the community. Our proactive measures include establishing the first vaccination site in Chelsea during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing extensive aid to hundreds of families affected by fires in our service areas, establishing emergency housing facilities during migrant influxes to the Commonwealth, and developing programs to combat increasing instances of fraud, disease, or violence within our communities.

Find Assistance

We are here to help. Our dedicated team is here to answer all your questions.

Mental Health

During challenging and uncertain times, our team understands the importance of addressing mental health concerns. 

At La Colaborativa, our team comprises licensed social workers who expertly recognize mental health indicators during the stabilization process. They provide stability and facilitate referrals to specialists, often collaborating with our trusted partners at North Suffolk Mental Health.

Food bank

"I am grateful to La Colaborativa for helping me achieve my goals. With their support, I was able to open my own daycare. Owning the daycare brings me immense joy and through their support, I feel prepared for any challenge. I want to thank La Colaborativa's Early Education and Childcare program. Opening my daycare has been a dream come true, and I hope to inspire other women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams."

Norma Escobar

"I needed a new job and wanted more opportunities, and I realized how important it was to learn English. La Colaborativa’s ESOL courses were very helpful as I started from zero, which has helped open many doors for me. When I came to La Colaborativa, I had just lost my job, and with their guidance, I quickly got a job in just one week at a Dental Clinic!"

Ana Ruth Lobo Zavala

"I was going through some hard times and needed some help… Everyone at La Colaborativa treated me with such respect. I came in needing help, needed a job, and within a matter of minutes, La Colaborativa gave me options and helped open doors."

Eddie Artica
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